… began at Karin’s first North American Basic Seminar in Calgary, Canada. It was my dream to be there. It was the beginning of what was and continues to be the most incredibly awe inspiring, humbling and empowering experience of my life.
I immediately fell in love with Karin. Her incredibly soothing voice, her shining beautiful brown eyes, her beautiful smile and melodious laughter, her kindness and compassion and her glowing presence. Here I was, this woman who was so dense, so oblivious to my own special gifts and abilities, being greeted and welcomed as if I was an old friend. I will never forget that first seminar, starting with just feeling our bodies, possibly being in the present moment consciously for the first time in my life. I was so very hungry for this and I digested as much as I would allow myself to at that time. Little did I know then where this journey into higher frequencies would lead.
That journey of course being guided by this remarkably gifted and loving being Karin Haemmerle. Lately, I have begun to look at Karin as a mother to us all. She patiently, lovingly works her magic, to rebirth us, knowing that in time that spirit will awaken and through the connection to pure source assist our journey into our purer, truer selves.
What can I say about this incredible being who took my hand and guided me back into the land of the living. This has been no small feat, as I stated earlier I was fairly dense when this journey began and as Karin can attest to, I don’t let go so easily and have had a tendency to travel into other realities without integrating that into my physical presence.
What can I say about this person who so lovingly and kindly has given me a sense of self, who has taught me to value myself first, that I am truly worthy. Her generosity of spirit is never ending. The treasures she bestows just flow through her and she unhesitatingly showers all who come into contact with them.
She so patiently has allowed me my process, knowing I had to come into this on my own. She believed in me when I could not find a reason to believe in myself, but I did believe in the pure source and I did believe in my spirit and I believed the journey would lead me to myself and it has.
What can you say about someone who tells you it does not have to be as hard for you as it was for her because she has already experienced that and you don’t have to. What can you say about this spiritual trailblazer who went down her path with no guidance, no assistance other than by trial and error and hands you the greatest gifts, minus the pitfalls because she has already experienced them and you don’t have to! Excuse me are you for real?
Karin is real and true and genuine and amazing and gifted and so much more. Those of us who have the honor for her to cross our path whether momentarily or ongoing have been blessed with her presence. She represents everything and everyone in my life that I could ever have dreamed or imagined could be in all its greatness. She brings the gift of limitless possibilities to a very limited world, helping us to expand, grow and thrive in spite of who we thought we were, assisting us to be who we truly are in all our greatness. Incredible, truly incredible.
Thank you Karin for being with me.
Susan K. Sterling